• August 8, 2022

Rubin & Rosen Adjusters Says Homeowners Should Prepare for Hurricane Season by Reviewing Their Policies, Despite NOAA’s Changes in Forecast

When hurricane season officially began on June 1, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center announced there would be a 65% chance that this year’s Atlantic hurricane season — which runs until November 30 — will be above average. This means this would be the seventh straight above-average hurricane season. The center […]

  • July 15, 2022

What Should You Do to Prepare in the Event of a Hurricane?

Hurricane season starts in June and lasts all the way through November, and during that time, everyone on the Eastern Seaboard is at potential risk of being hit by a hurricane. When that happens, you will need to act quickly to protect yourself and your home from harm. Here are five things you should do […]

  • June 27, 2022

Five Fire Safety Tips to Keep Your Summer Fun

With July 4 coming up, people are preparing major celebrations of the holiday with barbecues, fireworks, and other festivities. However, many of these fun activities carry a major risk of starting a fire, which can cause property damage and harm to you and your loved ones. Make sure to follow these five important five safety […]

  • May 15, 2022

Five Things to Do to Prepare for a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters like hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes are not necessarily common, but when they do happen, they can have severe consequences for anyone caught up in them. New York, in particular, can be vulnerable to hurricanes and floods, especially near the coast. By having preparations done in advance, you can minimize the risk of harm […]

  • May 5, 2022

What Everyone Should Know About Their Homeowners Insurance

When people get homeowners insurance, they assume that it will cover just about any disaster that could affect their home, so they do not need to worry about the financial ramifications of disasters that damage their home. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and people with homeowners insurance may all too often find themselves getting […]

  • April 29, 2022

Five Fire Hazards You Should Watch Out For This Summer

With summertime fast approaching, most people are thinking about their fun summer plans: going to the pool, camping out with friends, cooking s’mores over a fire, and so on. However, many of these fun events involve fire hazards that can result in potential fire hazards that can result in serious damage to you and your […]

  • March 21, 2022

Preparing Your Home For Hurricane Season

Hurricane season officially starts in June, which means there are a few months to get ready for these major storms. However, the summer is approaching quickly, and it is better to get prepared ahead of time to maximize your chances of getting through hurricane season safely. Here are just a few tips you can follow […]

  • February 7, 2022

Five Things You Need to Know About Flooding

Just because it is cold outside does not mean there are no risks of flooding. Ice dams can cause melted snow to accumulate and leak through your roof, while frozen pipes can burst and flood your home. In addition, winter storms can cause rivers and lakes to flood, potentially causing damage to your home if […]

  • September 2, 2021

How to Stay Safe When Going Back to School

For parents throughout New York, the beginning of September means the beginning of the school year, and few things are more important to a parent than keeping their children safe. However, there are a number of hazards they can encounter, both at home and at school, that can potentially result in injuries. Here are just […]

  • July 15, 2021

How to Stay Safe While Staying at Home

Although the pandemic is on the decline, many people are still staying at home more often than they once did. While this may keep them safe from dangers out in the world, that does not mean that the home is entirely safe. In fact, the majority of all accidental injuries happen in the home. Here […]
