Five Things to Do to Prepare for a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters like hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes are not necessarily common, but when they do happen, they can have severe consequences for anyone caught up in them. New York, in particular, can be vulnerable to hurricanes and floods, especially near the coast. By having preparations done in advance, you can minimize the risk of harm to you or your family. Here are five things you can do to prepare for a potential natural disaster:

  1. Have an emergency kit ready
    • Everyone should have an emergency kit they can easily grab if they need to suddenly run out of their home due to a natural disaster. These kits should have a flashlight, whistle, can opener, radio, and first aid kit, at minimum, as well as entertainment such as books or board games. This should help you to get to safety until the worst of the disaster passes.
  2. Fill your bathtub before the disaster hits
    • Any natural disaster has the potential to cut off access to clean water. While bottled water can help to some extent, you can save on your precious water supplies by filling up your bathtub first. This water can serve as drinking water, and can also be used to wash clothing or cook food. If you are lucky, the disaster will end before you run out of water, but even if not, it can serve you well for several days.
  3. Obtain non-perishable food
    • While it is best to be able to eat fresh food when possible, during an emergency the best food is the non-perishable stuff that can survive without needing to be frozen or refrigerated. This means anything pre-packaged or canned that can survive without the need for power to keep it safe to eat. It may not be fancy, but it will keep you and your family full until you can restore power to your home.
  4. Stock up on medical supplies
    • Having a first aid kit is a good start, but ideally, you should also have an advance supply of any important medications you and your family may need. This is because it may take weeks before you are able to refill any prescriptions you have. While this is not always possible due to laws about certain medications, having a backup supply for an emergency can be a literal life-saver.
  5. Check your insurance policy, and purchase new insurance as necessary
    • Unfortunately, no matter what steps you take, it is not always possible to protect your home from harm. That is why you should check your homeowner’s insurance to make sure it covers common emergencies where you live, such as flood or storm insurance. If not, you may need to purchase supplemental insurance to cover anything that is missing.


Anytime your home or other dwelling has been ruined or severely damaged, it is essential that you protect your property and the interest of your investment by enlisting the services of a Rubin and Rosen public adjuster. We can provide the assistance you need by helping you to work through the entire insurance process. If you want to make a property insurance claim and need assistance to obtain fair compensation for your losses, please give us a call at 718-376-6800 or visit our contact page.
