What Should You Do if a Vehicle Crashes Into Your Home?

It may sound like the kind of thing that comes out of fiction, but the fact of the matter is that some people do have the horrid experience of having a motor vehicle crash into their home. While admittedly rare, it can cause a number of headaches, in addition to being a threat to you and your family’s well-being. So what are you supposed to do if a car or other automobile crashes into your home?

What Does it Mean For a Vehicle to Crash Into Your Home?

This sort of incident is essentially what it sounds like: you are sitting in your home, minding your own business, when a motor vehicle crashes into the side of your home. These kinds of crashes can be incredibly shocking and disruptive, resulting in potentially serious injury to you and your family, as well as causing major damage to your home. Even if everyone gets out of the accident okay, you are still potentially looking at thousands of dollars minimum to repair the damage done by the vehicle.

Why Do These Kinds of Crashes Happen?

There are a number of reasons someone might crash their vehicle into your home. They may suffer a major mechanical malfunction while driving, causing them to lose control of their vehicle, or they may slip out of control due to slippery road conditions from ice or rain. They may also crash due to nodding off behind the wheel, or due to driving while intoxicated, or simply as a result of reckless driving behavior.

Can Your Homeowners’ Insurance Cover It?

Though admittedly a rare circumstance, it is possible that your homeowners’ insurance policy will cover these kinds of freak accidents. This means that your insurance company will potentially pay out for damage done to the structure of your home itself, as well as any property damaged in the accident. However, you should check your insurance policy to make sure it can cover these kinds of accidents before you make a claim.

What Should You Do?

If this kind of situation happens to you, or you suffer any other kind of damage to your home from a natural disaster, fire, storm, or burglary, you should first take steps to document any damage, including photographs if possible. You should also try to mitigate further damage by covering any holes in your home with a tarp to prevent problems from rain or other weather phenomena. You should also contact the public insurance adjusters at Rubin and Rosen, who can give you a fair estimate on the harm you suffered.

Anytime your home or other dwelling has been ruined or severely damaged, it is essential that you protect your property and the interest of your investment by enlisting the services of a Rubin and Rosen public adjuster. We can provide the assistance you need by helping you to work through the entire insurance process. If you want to make a property insurance claim and need assistance to obtain fair compensation for your losses, please give us a call at 718-376-6800 or visit our contact page.
