Seven Steps to Prepare for Hurricane Season

With hurricane season well on its way, it is important to make sure you are ready for whatever comes. This means taking steps now to be ready for the possibility of a hurricane or other severe weather, so you can be prepared to act quickly when the time comes. Here are seven steps you should take to prepare for hurricane season:

  • Buy or replenish your first aid kit
      • If you do not have one, you should make sure you buy a first aid kit with basic medical supplies like gauze, disinfectant, and painkillers. If you have one, you should make sure to replace any old or expired supplies to ensure it is ready in an emergency.
  • Buy nonperishable food and bottled water
      • You should also make sure you have a supply of nonperishable food and bottled water to help you in case you are unable to access food, water, or heating for a time. This includes canned food, cereal, and anything else that can survive for a long time without refrigeration or freezing.
  • Keep a radio handy
      • A battery-operated radio can be essential during a hurricane to keep apprised of the news and any important announcements. This ensures you will be able to remain aware of what is going on even if you are left without power this hurricane season.
  • Stock up on medication, if you can
      • Although it is not always possible due to legal constraints, you should try to stock up on necessary medication if you can. This is to make sure you do not run out in case you are stuck without access to a pharmacy for an extended period of time during hurricane season.
  • Have an evacuation plan
      • The time to figure out where you will go in the event of an evacuation order is right now, before you are forced to flee your home. You should also make sure you have a route to a shelter figured out, so you are not left scrambling in an emergency.
  • Prune the trees on your property
      • If you live on a property with trees, it is possible that they have dead or damaged branches that will snap off in high winds, potentially hurting you or damaging your home. Getting these branches pruned will help keep you safe and reduce the risk of property damage.
  • Review your homeowners’ insurance
    • The last thing you want to hear after suffering damage to your home from a hurricane is that your insurance will not cover the costs of repairs. That is why you should review your homeowners’ insurance policy to make sure you are covered for storm damage and other related costs, and consider additional insurance such as flood insurance (which is not typically covered in ordinary homeowners’ insurance policies).

Anytime your home or other dwelling has been ruined or severely damaged, it is essential that you protect your property and the interest of your investment by enlisting the services of a Rubin and Rosen public adjuster. We can provide the assistance you need by helping you to work through the entire insurance process. If you want to make a property insurance claim and need assistance to obtain fair compensation for your losses, please give us a call at 718-376-6800 or visit our contact page.
