Seven Fire Safety Tips to Follow This Independence Day

Every American loves the July 4 holiday, where they get together to celebrate our nation’s history. However, it is also a day where many people accidentally injure themselves or start house fires due to avoidable fire hazards. Here are seven fire safety tips you should make sure you follow this Independence Day to avoid accidental harm to yourself or your property:

  • Keep fires in a well ventilated area
      • Whether you are using a grill, a stove, or a cooking fire, you should make sure to keep your fire someplace well-ventilated. Outdoor fires should be kept in a fire pit to minimize the risk of a fire spreading.
  • Be careful with fireworks
      • You should always be careful of fireworks, although they are considered a traditional part of Independence Day celebrations. Even sparklers can potentially start fires if mishandled, so take extra care when using them for your own safety.
  • Keep flammable items away from fires or heating elements
      • Flammable items like cloth or wood can easily spread fires if not kept away from sources of heat, including cooking fires or electric stoves. Otherwise, your Independence Day might be interrupted by an otherwise preventable fire.
  • Handle hot metal carefully
      • You should also be careful when handling hot metal, whether it was heated by the sun, by a campfire, or a grill. Hot metal can easily burn someone if it comes into contact with their skin, or start fires if it makes contact with something flammable.
  • Put your cigarettes out safely
      • Cigarettes are a shockingly common source of house fires, particularly during the summer when dry conditions make fires more likely. That is why you should make sure to put out cigarettes in an ashtray where they cannot start a fire.
  • Check your smoke detectors
      • Your smoke detectors may be the only warning you get of a potential fire happening. That is why you should check them periodically, and replace the battery if necessary.
  • Have a fire extinguisher available
    • If a fire does start, a fire extinguisher is one of the best and safest ways to put it out. Relying on water may not be helpful, or can even be counterproductive, especially if the source of the fire is due to electricity or burning oil.

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