Water and Flood Damage Insurance Claims

Has a flood caused water damage to your property?

Heavy rains or a break in a levy system are usually conditions that result in water rising to a level that results in the conditions of a flood. If you have a water or flood damage claim, Rubin & Rosen Adjusters are ready to represent you in the claim process.


We have negotiated a great number of claims for those effected by flood conditions in areas around New York, and are knowledgeable of claims for water damage caused by floods.

We conduct a policy review loss estimation, and initiate terms of a reasonable settlement with the holder.

We work to generate replacement of items damaged by the flood, such as flooring, wall covering or paint and other similar items. We work diligently to replace every aspect of loss, regardless of simplicity.

The complete claim process is in our capable hands, until a settlement is agreed upon.

Watch Our Pipe Break Video

Watch Our Frozen Pipes Video

What do we do for you?

We can report your water or flood damage claim on your behalf if you haven’t done so already. If you’ve already filed the claim, we contact the carrier to inform them that we are the adjusters representing your claim. Moving forward, contact with the insurance company will be performed by our experienced staff.

We set up a meeting with the adjuster of the carrier to meet at the site of the damage to look over the loss together. If the adjuster has done this prior to our contact, we establish an estimate of our own and request a second meeting with the adjuster at the site to evaluate the loss.

Once the adjuster has been given our estimate, we resume negotiations by phone until we’ve settled in your best interest. This sometimes requires further assessments such as another visit to the site and/or the appraisal of a third party. We take care of everything and you simply wait on us to bring you a proposed settlement.

After the settlement is negotiated, the offer is presented to you, for your review.

If displacement or revenue has been lost, we will assist you in obtaining reimbursement, if your coverage allows.