Five Ways to Stay Safe During a Major Storm

Whether you are preparing for a hurricane or a blizzard, it is essential to be prepared for any issues that may arise during a major storm. That way, you can ensure you and your family have the best chance possible to remain safe and come out the other side unharmed. Here are five ways you can stay safe during a major storm:

  • Store up nonperishable food and bottled water
      • One of the most critical preparations you can make for a major storm is to make sure you have enough nonperishable food and water to help get through the disaster. This means having enough canned goods and bottled water to survive at least a few days, and preferably up to a week. That way, you can be certain you will be okay if you are left without power or running water for an extended period of time.
  • Have a first aid kit and other medical supplies
      • You should make sure to purchase a first aid kit to take care of any minor injuries you may suffer during a major storm. If you already have a first aid kit, you should make sure to refresh it and replace anything that’s expired. You should also, if possible, have spare medication in case you cannot access a pharmacy for refills.
  • Create an evacuation plan
      • You should make sure you have some kind of evacuation plan in case you need to leave your home during a major storm. This means not only knowing how you will get out of your area, but also where you can go that will be safe. If you fail to plan out in advance, you may be stuck rushing to find somewhere you can go if you are forced to evacuate.
  • Get a radio, flashlight, and batteries
      • In addition to everything else, you should make sure you have a battery-operated radio and flashlight. The radio can help you keep up to date on important news, while the flashlight will help you navigate when the electricity goes out. Spare batteries, meanwhile, will ensure your electronics keep working as long as possible.
  • Be prepared to leave at a moment’s notice
    • An evacuation order may come at any time, and you should always be prepared to leave at a moment’s notice. This means you should have a “go bag” of essentials ready for such an occasion. That way, you can avoid getting stuck in place during a major storm or other disaster.

Anytime your home or other dwelling has been ruined or severely damaged, it is essential that you protect your property and the interest of your investment by enlisting the services of a Rubin and Rosen public adjuster. We can provide the assistance you need by helping you to work through the entire insurance process. If you want to make a property insurance claim and need assistance to obtain fair compensation for your losses, please give us a call at 718-376-6800 or visit our contact page.
