Five Ways a Winter Storm May Damage Your Home

Winter storms can be potentially disastrous for any homeowner, especially if you are unprepared for the winter. However, if you are prepared for the different types of harm your home may suffer, you can mitigate the damage that might happen if there is particularly bad winter weather. Here are five ways a winter storm may damage your home:

  1. Buildup of snow and ice on your roof
    • One of the most common issues that can occur due to a winter storm is that snow or ice will accumulate on your roof. If the buildup is sufficient, this can cause damage to your roof from the sheer weight. However, even if that doesn’t happen, it can still cause leaks or result in the buildup of ice dams, which can cause further harm to your home.
  2. Falling trees or tree branches
    • When trees get heavy with snow and ice, they can potentially fall, or lose branches. These falling trees and tree branches can be incredibly dangerous if they fall on someone, and can also cause extensive damage to your property. That is why you should make sure to prune your trees of any dead branches, which limits the risk of this happening.
  3. Frozen or burst pipes
    • Your pipes should be kept heated throughout the winter to avoid them freezing from the cold. However, if you suffer a major power outage, it is possible for them to get cold enough to freeze and potentially burst. This can result in substantial damage to your home, not to mention extensive repairs for your plumbing system.
  4. Cracked pavement, stones, or bricks
    • The cold itself can be a potential danger to your home, especially if there are rapid temperature changes. Intense cold can cause cracks to appear in your pavement, as well as your stone or brickwork, which can spread if not addressed promptly. This is why you should watch for the signs of cracks or stress on your driveway, stonework, or brickwork, which may indicate it is time to perform maintenance.
  5. Water leaks into your home
    • When your home suffers damage from snow or ice, it can potentially cause water to leak into your home, such as from your roof or from damaged parts of your home’s exterior. This can be a particular issue if they occur in your basement, attic, or other places you do not frequently go. If not addressed quickly, these leaks can cause extensive water damage and increase the risk of mold.

Anytime your home or other dwelling has been ruined or severely damaged, it is essential that you protect your property and the interest of your investment by enlisting the services of a Rubin and Rosen public adjuster. We can provide the assistance you need by helping you to work through the entire insurance process. If you want to make a property insurance claim and need assistance to obtain fair compensation for your losses, please give us a call at 718-376-6800 or visit our contact page.
