Five Important Facts You Should Know About Electrical Fires

Every year, thousands of house fires are started as a result of some kind of electrical problem. These fires can be especially dangerous to deal with, and present hazards that go beyond just the normal issues associated with house fires. Here are five important things you need to know about electrical fires:

  1. Most electrical fires are the result of defective outlets and appliances.
    • More than any other cause, electrical fires are started by faulty wiring in outlets, sockets, and appliances. This can be a result of innate defects resulting from improper construction or installation, or it can be the result of age over time. These defects can result in short circuits or arc faults, which can potentially start fires.
  2. Older wiring is more likely to cause an electrical fire.
    • As a general rule, the older the wiring is in your home, the more likely you are to suffer an electrical fire. This is partly due to age degrading wiring over time, but it is also due to the fact that many older homes are not built to sustain modern electronics. If your home is not wired to handle the amount of electricity going through it, there is a higher risk that the use of large amounts of electronics will result in electrical fires.
  3. Space heaters are a common culprit in electrical fires.
    • One particular appliance commonly seen in electrical fires are space heaters, especially during the cold winter months. This is because space heaters can start fires if not given proper ventilation, or if the heating element in the heater makes contact with something flammable. That is why you always need to be careful with space heaters, and ensure they have plenty of space to avoid accidental fires.
  4. Never use water to put out an electrical fire.
    • Though it may seem obvious to some, using water to put out electrical fires is a bad idea. This is because the fire does not necessarily break the electrical circuit, meaning you risk electrocuting yourself or even spreading the fire if you try to pour water on it. Instead, using a fire extinguisher or other means of putting out the fire is preferable.
  5. Electrical fires can spread surprisingly quickly.
    • Electrical fires can spread more quickly than most people realize, especially if they start inside your walls due to an electrical fault in your wiring. They can quickly burn through your insulation and spread through your home before you necessarily even realize something is wrong. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors can help alert you in these cases, allowing you to act quickly and avoid the worst case scenario.


Anytime your home or other dwelling has been ruined or severely damaged, it is essential that you protect your property and the interest of your investment by enlisting the services of a Rubin and Rosen public adjuster. We can provide the assistance you need by helping you to work through the entire insurance process. If you want to make a property insurance claim and need assistance to obtain fair compensation for your losses, please give us a call at 718-376-6800 or visit our contact page.
